frequency filter design
The article propose the new
easy-to-use method of frequency filter optimalization (presented in [1]) by using the numeric algorithm of the CAD
software. Method allows to reduce the parasitic effect by spreading
the losses
defined by terminal resistances in leader RLC structure to the structure and
consecutively it's transformation to active realisation by using the single
op. amp biquadratic lossy
Article propose also new, easy to use method of compensation the
parasitic parameters of active elements to the final frequency filter
Article 1>>
K. - SEDLÁČEK, J.: Lossy LC Ladder Prototypes
and their use for ARC Filter Optimization. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on
ELECTRONICS,Issue3, Volume2, July 2005,
94-99, ISSN 1109- 9445. |

Parasitic influence of active elements
to basic biquadratics filter blocks
Article describe the parasitic influence of 1st pole and of the output
resistance of voltage feedback op.amp on the behaviour of basic Sallean-Key
and FNDR (frequency negative depended resistor) biquadratics block.
Determine the origins of a apparition of parasitic zero and show how to
calculate and compensate this parasitic zero
Article>> |

Interactive Analog Signal Processing by PC Control
Describe the design, realization and the measured results
of the integral system for the analog high dynamic range signal processing.
The integral system is compose of a high accuracy digitally controlled
analog frequency filter, processor unit for the autonomy operations and
interactive FFD (Frequency Filter Design Studio) software.
More about project>>
Basic property of voltage
and current mode circuits
Article is a theoretical overview of laboratory task in course on
the Department of Radioelectronic at Brno
University of Technology.
The main subject is the explanation of basic terms like Slew rate (SR),
Band-Width (BW),
Explanation and behaviour of some dynamic effect of voltage feedback
amplifier (VFA), current feedback amplifier (CFA) and operational
transconductance amplifier (OTA).
Real parameters of operational
amplifier identification
This article try to show the new way how to
identify the basic parameters of op. amp models to performing a high
accurate simulations. The idea is to compress the dynamic range of open loop
frequency gain which goes up to 200dB and back determination of the open
loop gain of measured op.amp.
Article>> |